Business Ideas

Coconut tree Farming -Business Ideas for Coconut Farm Maintenance

Coconut tree Farming Business Ideas and Coconut Farm Maintenance:The Coconut palm is the most useful problem in the world. Every part of the tree is useful to human life for some purpose or the other. Hence the coconut palm is end earingly called kalpavriksha meaning the Tree of Heaven. The copper obtained by drying the kernel of coconut is the richest source of vegetable oil containing 65 to 70percent oil .

Coconut tree Farming introduction:The Coconut palm is the most useful problem in the world. Every part of the tree is useful to human life for some purpose or the other. Hence the coconut palm is end earingly called kalpavriksha meaning the Tree of Heaven. The copper obtained by drying the kernel of coconut is the richest source of vegetable oil containing 65 to 70percent oil .

Size of the pit depends on the soil type and water table in literate soils. Large pits of the size 1.2 meters into 1.2 meters into 1.2meters may be dug and filled up with loose soil powdered. Cow dung and ash up to a depth of 60 centimeters before planting in loamy soils pits of size 1 Minto 1 meter into one meter filled with top soil to height of 50 centimeters is recommended .While filling the pits two layers of coconut husk can be arranged at the bottom of the pit with concave surface facing upwards for moisture conservation.

After arranging each layer bhc 10% DP should be sprinkled on the husk to prevent termite attack in literate soils. Common salt 2 kilograms per pit may be applied six months prior on the floor of the pit to soften .The hard pads spacing in general square system of planting with a spacing of 7.5 meters into 7.5 meters is recommended for Coconut.

This will accommodate 177 palms per hectare. Planting material and planting vigorous seedlings which are one year old having minimum of 6 leaves and girth of 10 centimeters at the collar level should be selected for planting. In the main field planting the seedlings during May with the on set of per monsoon rain as ideal maintenance of Coconut tree Farming Business garden. Regular manuring from the first year of planting is essential to ensure good vegetative growth.

 Early flowering and bearing in high-yield inter culture till age operations like digging sloughing forming small mounds .During August to September and spreading them in December to January making shallow basins with a radius of 2 meters. Before the onset of monsoon and filling it up at the close of monsoon are beneficial to the trees .coconut based cropping systems to maximize the utilization of soil and sunlight .

In the Coconut tree Farming Business garden intercropping can be adopted with a variety of crops irrigation. coconut responds well to summer irrigation under baseand irrigation 200 liters per pond once in four days will be beneficial in areas. Where water is scarce drip irrigation system can be adopted regular manuring from the first year of planting is essential to achieve higher productivity for coconut 20 to 50kilograms.

Organic manure should be applied for palm per year with the onset of southwest monsoon when soil moisture content is high different forms of organic Meniere’s like compost farmyard. Manure bone meal fish meal blood mealneem cake ground nut cake etc. Could be made used for this purpose in addition to this the following fertilizer schedule is recommended harvesting .

coconuts become mature in about 12 months after the opening of the spaeth it is the right coconut which is the source of major coconut products nutswhich are 11 months old get fiber of good quality and can be harvested. In the tracks where green husks are required for the manufacture of koi or fiber economic life of the Coconut tree Farming can be considered as sixty years.

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