Business Funding at Water Chestnuts Farming and Water Caltrop introduction: Business Funding at water chestnuts farming is a profitable business. water chestnut cultivation can be much more profitable in small investments .water chestnut farming business invested 200 to 300 dollars in 1 acre of land and earned one thousand two, one thousand fifty dollars profitable business of cultivating water chestnuts in short time and less work wet lands and ponds are commercially cultivated as water chestnuts.
Important roles in this business: As it is an aquatic plant soil does not play so much important role for its cultivation but it is found that water chestnut gives better yield. When the soil of the water bodies is rich friable which is well manure or fertilized nutrient management fertilizer with moderate amount of poultry manure is very essential for higher yield.

Application in this business: But it needs little application of phosphorus and potassium it can thrive well under a pH range of six to seven point ,five growers from different parts of the world uses dolomite to adjust pH is which one of the most important works during nutrient management practice in Asia. Application of 30 to 40 kilograms of urea and per hectare area of pond after about a month of transplanting .
Process: Again after another 20 days is highly recommended planting of chestnut the fully mature nuts are placed in container with little water to germinate the seeds. The sprouted seeds are sorted out and broadcast in the nursery tanks. It is recommended that plants are first grown in a low nutrient nursery plot and transferred when stems are about 300millimeters tall at the beginning of monsoon.
The seedlings are lifted from the nursery tanks and planted in pond ata spacing of 1 to 2 meters or 2 to 3meters. When the soil of the pond is fertile this reduces the growth period in ponds by up to 6 weeks care should be taken at the time of transplanting so that seedlings kept moist but not submerged flowering time of chestnut. The flowering time of water chestnut vary from one place to other place but in general it flowers during July and August fruit development.
During summer time development: During the summer months the fruits develop at the basal portion of the rosettes in autumn. The leaves change color from green to purple Brown the rosettes dissolve and the fruits started to sink to the bottom of the lake or pond water and anchor with their thorns in the salty sediment. The cycle starts again in the following spring harvesting harvesting of nut is usually done at the month of September and continues up to November for the purpose of harvesting specially made rafts are used by the growers in the Asia .
Yield of fresh nutrange between 2,500 to 3,000 800kilograms per hectare area of pond which could be increased up to 5000 kilograms per hectare by applying about 50kilograms of urea per hectare of pond along with their allocation of weeds. so it is about Business Funding at Water Chestnuts Farming