Business Ideas

Free Range Chicken – How to Start a Business Chicken Farm

Bill Gates, the world's richest man, thinks of the chicken business as a profitable business. When you are planning to build a free-range chicken house, you should choose a site that is very dry with natural air movement.

Basic knowledge of this business :Free-range chicken farming is a very lucrative business and a lot of people are making money. Worldwide by raising free-range and backyard chickens. You need to determine the size of your project, i.e. the number of birds you want to put into each cycle, and the location of the business.

Investment in this business:For example poultry farm and your target market these options are influenced by the amount of capital you have and the size of your target market.If you don’t have a lot of capital, you can always start small and grow your business over time. Bill Gates, the world’s richest man, thinks of the chicken business as a profitable business. When you are planning to build a free-range chicken house, you should choose a site that is very dry with natural air movement.

Execution of this project:Proper housing should include proper ventilation and proper lighting. If you want to produce eggs year-round, the hens are inclined to lay eggs. You must install adequate lighting at your facility. You need equipment including feeders, drinkers, lighting system and nest boxes. Free-range chickens and backyard chickens need ample space to thrive. They should not be crowded, otherwise they may be sucked to death and that can lead to loss in your business.

Requriments of this business:Each free-range chicken requires 0.1 square meters of floor space, which translates to 10 birds per square meter. You will need day-old chicks to start your free-range chicken and backyard poultry farming business. After gaining experience you will incubate your own chicks, which will greatly reduce your costs because you no longer need to buy day old chicks.

You should buy your day old chicks from a reputable reputable hatchery or parent stocks.
Diet is important for the production of meat and eggs from free-range chickens and backyard poultry, and the lack of feed or water reduces resistance to diseases and parasites and subsequently increases herd mortality. The best time for scavenging is in the early morning and early afternoon when worms are plentiful and less hot.

Food and health care :Free-range chickens should be provided with supplemental feed in the morning and evening when they return at night.You need to supplement their diet with commercial stock feeds or your own homemade feed. You can also give them corn and sorghum brown rice clean. Water should be provided in shady areas during the day to prevent heat stress.

You need the right vaccines and medicines to prevent diseases and promote the growth of your free-range and backyard poultry.Free-range poultry eggs are also considered superior to eggs from commercial indoor cave poultry .Free-range poultry eggs are considered highly nutritious, tasty, organic and healthy. Free-range organic eggs are worth the price compared to regular poultry eggs.

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